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About Our Non-Profit Company
Empowering Individuals and Communities
Often, conventional supplies, medicines, equipment, and a broad spectrum of foods are either inaccessible or unaffordable. Our approach focuses on empowering individuals, families, and communities by addressing the root causes of diseases. We aim to educate on natural self-care, promote better nutrition, and guide individuals on how to grow and prepare foods and remedies within the realms of custom, affordability, and availability.
Comprehensive Approach to Wellness
Our mission involves cleaning up environments, lifestyles, bodies, and attitudes. We employ natural, sustainable, alternative, functional, and integrated medical approaches to overcome both acute and chronic diseases. At the core of our commitment is the desire to foster a global awakening to conscious and healthy living.
Inclusivity in Health Education
Whether one is poor or rich, old or young, healthy or sick, our commitment to advancing knowledge for a better understanding of global “health” is ambitious. We welcome collaborative efforts from diverse communities, spanning various walks of life and businesses, to enhance the effectiveness of achieving this overarching goal.
Customised Wellness Programs
Our wellness programs are designed to be patient-specific rather than disease-specific. They incorporate nutrition, supportive organ cleansing, immune activation, visualisation and neuroscience techniques, psychological and emotional empowerment, exercise, breathing, and lifestyle coaching. These programs are offered through individual consultations with tailored solutions, as well as through community and corporate educational projects.
Our very own Dr Sakeena talking in Delhi at the Health Concave.
Our Priorities
To serve health care needs across all communities through service, education and community partnerships. Our ultimate goal is to provide a model of disease prevention and a holistically healthy living guide, combining compassion for all individuals travelling the road from chronic disease to health.
In all walks of life, our society rushes through the matrix of responsibilities and demands to make ends meet. With more medical services, research, and medicines in the market than ever, we are dealing with more disease, more drug consumption, more toxins and much higher statistics of chronic disease than ever before.
Most homes have someone sick and bedridden in a back room, dealing with diseases of the body, mind and spirit, whilst family members do their best to cope with their daily lives.
These are our “Forgotten People” who we reach through word of mouth. We empower individuals with knowledge and tools to heal themselves.
We are willing to go anywhere to reach the individual or the group in need.
Tied in back yards, abandoned in alleys, hungry or injured, roaming without homes, food or access to healing treatments, we are motivated to improving the plight of the Forgotten Animals across our planet. Our focus is to establish affordable, easy-care stations and safe havens.
One of the key differentiators is the team’s intimate knowledge of Cancer and dreaded diseases allowing the doctors to offer specialised treatment programs where individuals are treated by means of a “healing journey”, a journey unlike the boundaries of convention where individuals often become generic patients. Each patient is nurtured through an individually tailored and adaptive health and wellness program.
The DBM Doctors provides a variety of additional services including the intervention of dreaded disease outbreaks in a time of crisis or disaster with the inclusion but not limitation of the successful treatment of Cholera, Hepatitis, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and have been providing this service for many years, unaided and unfunded.
Our Emergency and Extreme Rescue units are trained to offer services world wide.
Other Services Include:
- Medical detectives
- Exposing Human and child trafficking working with Interpol
- Finding lost people
- Remote viewing
Our team of professionals work very closely with Governments and other global organisations with regards to the setup and integration of alternative practices by offering our very own medicine, healing protocols and training at designated institutes, this includes the expansion of Malaria and TB clinics into Africa and other countries.
The DBM team offers a medical service to corporate organisations facing ongoing expenses and challenges where staff members fall victim to a variety of dreaded diseases as a result of occupation hazard or environmental exposure. We believe we can assist these organisations by treating and nurturing these individuals back to good health allowing them to continue their employment obligations and thus avoiding all to often situation of temporary disability or medical boarding.
Team members are passionate about inspiring and empowering individuals through education by means of tailored “conscious and lifestyle” talks and workshops where a variety of topics are discussed at these events.
Our Subsidiaries
Doctors Beyond Medicine™

Doctors Across Borders, operating under the name Doctors Beyond Medicine, is dedicated to educating both the general public and professionals on alternative holistic health treatments.
We empower you to impact your health with natural solutions
Doctors Across Borders Non-Profit Company was founded in South Africa by Dr Mickaeel McDonald in 1992.
Doctors Across Borders NPC is dedicated to educating the public, individuals as well as professionals with natural, solutions-driven, common sense and holistic health treatments. We have been serving a growing community across all continents.
Healing, in our philosophy, is attained by addressing the root causes spiritually, physically, and mentally. This includes correcting nutritional deficiencies, cleansing the body systems and mind from toxicity overload, and supporting optimal immune system function through integrated programs. We encourage a commitment to a conscious, responsible lifestyle choices to prevent or overcome disease.
Doctors Across Borders NPC changed its “Trading As” name to Doctors Beyond Medicine™ in 2015.
The Doctors Across Borders team continues to expand with like-minded professionals and volunteers from around the planet offering natural care, surgery, dentistry, herbalism, traditional African and Chinese medicine, psychology and specialty treatments of less serious and serious conditions like Cancer and other dreaded diseases.
We have added a division of Veterinary Medicine as well as Emergency and Extreme Rescue specialists to our team.
We acknowledge late Dr Colleen O’Carroll who compiled and managed the administration of the natural treatment protocols and educational data, based upon the various herbal formulations, recommendations and experiences of Dr McDonald and the large team of volunteers over the years.
Doctors Across Borders NPC projects also cover animal health, (farm and domestic pets), as well as land (agricultural) wellness, always focusing on affordable, practical, sustainable and natural solutions.
I am a Night Owl
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Dr Mickaeel (Michael) McDonald
Chief Surgeon, Founder – Doctors Across Borders NPC
DNIM (Doctor of Natural and Integrative Medicine)
BScHN (Bachelor of Science Holistic Nutrition)
BScN (Bachelor of Science Nursing)
BScBM (Bachelor of Science Botanical Medicine)
Diploma in Emotional Counselling (Dip.EC)
Ethnomedical Practitioner
Oncology (Ms.C)
Dr Mickaeel is the founder of the company Doctors Across Borders NPC t/a Doctors Beyond Medicine (a 25 year old Non-Profit company).
Dr McDonald is also the developer and scientist behind the natural product and Immune Fortifier, known as ImmunoClean™. He has been the inspirational leader that has carried a team of like-minded people on this journey and is a driving force behind the continued work to serve and enlighten our brothers and sisters.
Dr Mickaeel’s compassionate nature is also to be found in the generous charitable programs that he has created to give back to the world community in the “Forgotten People” and “Forgotten Animals” Projects reaching impoverished people in their homes.
Dr Sakeena Harmsen
DNIM (Doctor of Natural and Integrative Medicine)
BScHN (Bachelor of Science Holistic Nutrition)
BScN (Bachelor of Science Nursing)
BScBM (Bachelor of Science Botanical Medicine)
Diploma in Emotional Counselling (Dip.EC)
Ethnomedical Practitioner
D.P. T.
Dr Sakeena has over 15 years of international field experience in dealing with dreaded diseases. She has exceptional knowledge of the human body with special reference to the health of the gastrointestinal system and the impact of mind, emotion and food on our health. The “psychology” of disease and causes always have to be investigated. Under her tutelage, many of the protocols that also incorporate the 5 Track plan (please insert hyperlink) have come to life. Her partnerships with Dr Mickaeel in maturing the ImmunoClean™ Ecosystem has been invaluable.
Projects that also review animals’ health, (farm and domestic pets), as well as land health with affordable solutions in mind, are also investigated and offered
Videos and Articles
Ageless and Disease Free Living
Shakti Heritage Health Conclave. Doctor Sakeena talking at the Shakti Health Conclave in India.
Should We Avoid Frozen fruits & Vegetables?
Should we avoid eating frozen fruits and vegetables? Has frozen fruit and veg lost it's nutrition? Do nutrients get destroyed when we freeze food? Should we only eat fresh fruit and veg? Is there any produce we can freeze? Is there any produce we should never freeze?...
Food as Medicine
Preventing and Treating disease with Diet.
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